Tuesday, December 11, 2007 |
Alhamdulillah...punya juga CamDig! |
Hm...hm... Kalau lagi nge-browse, blogwalking,dsb...paling enak ngeliat apa? Pasti ngeliatin gambar-nya kan?? *atau ini cuman gw ajah yah?* Anyhow...berdasarkan keinginan yang sudah berakar di sanubari dari taon 2004 *duileee....jadul amat neeng....!* Mengesampingkan berbagai kebutuhan....meraih keinginan mo' punya kamera digital yang bagus. Pocket dulu, tapi yang bisa manual.
So, what I want from my digital camera to be are:
1. Bisa manual 2. Merek terpercaya 3. Harga (kalo bisa gak nyampe 2jt-an) 4. Ada red-eye reduction 5. Ada night shoot setting. Jadi kalo malem tetep terang. 6. Gak gede2 amat, ngga tipis2 amat. 7. Bisa moto kids/pets yang bergerak-gerak (shutter speed) 8. Pixel jg gak kecil dan gak gede2 (makin gede, makin mahal...gw gak butuh feature ini -->siapa yang mao nyetak segede poster seeh?? ) 9. Pake AA battery 10. LCD-nya bisa swifel (jadi bisa muter2, bisa foto narsis..hehehe...)
Thus, the hunting process start on 2004. Through the Mr. Google. Here is my link to get the review of digital camera : 1. http://www.dpreview.com/ 2. http://www.dcresource.com/
These are the most popular place to find the right camera for you. Beside that, I also review from "kamera-digital" community (this site in Bahasa).
All these site very-very-very useful for the commoner like me. And...last but not lease...of coz...JPC Kemang
This site for checking the price of your desired camera.
Allright..allright...I'll give my final decision. Finally, after I forget to bring my cash around 1.3 million, a little bit rush after a webex meeting with UK, deep thinking about the budget....CANON POWERSHOT A 570 IS now in my hand..*big applause please...:D* with 2364K rupiah, I got : 1. 1ea Camera A570 IS 2. 1ea SD SD Ultra II 1GB 3. 1ea screen protector ( a good one) 4. 1ea GP Smart Power Bank 1 Hours plus 4 AA 2500 NiMh battery 5. 1ea micro fiber
Not bad at all, right?? Do you want to see one of the sample picture? Don't worry, I'll be glad to share it with you...please stay tune..*radio kaleee....*
So....which one better?? :P |
posted by fsusanti @ Tuesday, December 11, 2007 |